Friday, February 6, 2009

Sex Education..

Yes Hamtaro. Yes it does.

This post came to be because i have no other idea on what to write about this week. I keep rewinding my past seven days, and nothing really stood out. Sometimes life just makes you feel like a drone moving through the days on the same old routine over and over again..

But then i remember Derrick saying, "You guys learnt sex education at school right?". And just like that, "ding!" came the title for my blog post tonight. Just because the title has the word s, e , and x in it, doesn't mean that it's anything raunchy nor sexy, so sorry for those who read this expecting to find anything at ALL that's pornographic. (And, you're SICK! tsk3.)

And NO derrick, we didn't have any sex ed at school at all. Well, at least I didn't. I wish i had though.. It would've saved me from many confused thoughts and silly conclusions.

I remember when i was 9 (or 10), that i used to keep my distance from boys because i figured that saliva from boys would make me pregnant. Haha!
Even in the school bus, i'd purse my lips because i was wary of stray salivas entering my mouth whenever a boy nearby is talking. You can never be too careful.. Shheesh..^.^

I actually came to that conclusion since on the TVs or movies, they'd show these couples kissing, and after the couples did it, the girl would get pregnant! I know this was the thing that we kids are not supposed to ask adults about. So i made my own conclusion; SALIVA makes you pregnant..... ! Yikes. And since then, boys were the enemy.. It makes me laugh thinking how i used to worry after talking to a boy for fear i might get pregnant afterwards. Haha.

But then in standard five (when i was 11), my bestfriend told me what sex really was.
I was shocked and i didn't believe her. I refused to believe her. Because it was disgusting!

So one day i picked up a dictionary and looked up on the word sex. It said something like "copulation; sexual intercourse". And that made me even more confused since now it's a longer word and what the heck's intercourse anyway?! So i look up 'intercourse' and it says 'sex'. Great. Even the dictionary writers beat around the bush when it comes to this topic. 'Copulation' means sex too. Aiyah..
So eventually me and my friend decided to go on the internet and find out what this sex thing really is.
Needless to say, i finally believed my best friend. Haha.

We Asians don't like to talk about sex do we? Coming from an Asian community, in an Asian family practicing Asian values, I've always had this idea that sex was a completely taboo subject to talk about. Don't even bring it up, because chances are you'll be lied to, or even worse, scolded for not being able to observe the "silent code". It's as if there's this tacit agreement that it is not something people talk over in public or even at home.

My parents tried to be a objective about it though. There was this one time when i was 12 ( i think), that i asked my mom. "Ma, what's a condom??". Because i read a joke in the magazine, and it stated that "chewing gums in India are made of condoms.." weeehh?? Now when i think about it it's not even a funny joke. Shheeesh.

Anyways, everybody was silent. Dad stopped reading the newspaper and eyed me. "What are you reading in that magazine anyways??".So i told him about the joke. He put on this perplexed face... Awkward! But then thankfully mom answered my question. " A condom is something a guy puts on when having sex".
"ah." i said. Now i was embarrassed because i unintentionally brought up the taboo subject again. But hey, at least she was honest. And i appreciated her for that.

When i think about it, maybe keeping mum about sex IS a good tradition, because it prevents all those awkward family moments and uncomfortable expressions from relatives and adults. But then again, this mindset doesn't really leave room for honest and frank discussions about sex; hence all the confusion and curiousness amongst children and teens alike. I know i was.

I still wished that my family had told me the real deal about it though, since it would've saved me a few headaches, i can tell you that.
Nobody really told me where babies come from. My mom told the five year old me that i came from her belly. That's all, no further details. Haha.

Nowadays, what's funny is even on the TV , there's all this stupidly hilarious ads about improving one's sexual prowess.. These make me and my housemates laugh, because they're so distastefully done! haha. But at least it shows the growing open-mindedness of Malaysians. People are more willing to talk about it now i guess.

At least I know that if i ever have children in the future, i'd be completely honest with them about s-e-x. It may be uncomfortable but at least they won't be worried and confused..!


  1. haha~ i tot that my mom delivered me tru her bottom.. muahahahahaha

  2. and i used to think that the way unmarried couple get babies is totally different to the way married get babies.

    but it is just the same way actually =p

  3. To ar.nsy
    YAH! I taught so too... until form 2.. hahah.

    To NENEX:
    Hehe. It's funny how kids can cook up things based solely on their imaginations.. ^^

  4. when are you going to write an emo post?
    im dying to read it

  5. EMO ain't me nannae.. ^^
    Isn't that you're trademark? hwahwahwah..
    Maybe when you stop being emo, i'll stop being so dang happy.. deal?? (^.^)

  6. i thought riding a bike behind a guy cn get u pregnant.


    kids r stupid, but FUN!

  7. Bings are barbaric, but FUN!


  8. hahaha!!!!
    mine was nothing THAT gross laa..
    when i was little, i always thought that the marriage procedure in the church where
    "i now pronounce u husband and wives"
    is like a ritual of putting babies inside the women's stomach or something like that....

    how stupid can i get?

    and i didnt know we were all little sperms before we became babies.
    i waTCHED 'look who's talking' and i was like,
    my mom scolded me and said,

    my mom- world greatest doctor for telling me when i was 6 that babies are actually tad-pole looking beings with squigly tails called SPERM.pfft.

  9. haha2..wallaweh
    my mom wasn't honest bot the procedure
    she said
    "ini kuasa Tuhan"

  10. KM is barbaric, but FUN! xD

    theres another grosser to ya!

  11. To Derick;
    Tq for reading and laughing. ^^

    To natto:
    Yah! You told me before.. hilarious! hehehe... Kids are soo much more fun than adults by the way.. ;P

    To mud:
    Ngaha. Moms are like that..^^

    Yo BINGet
    DUDU's are gross and AGGRESSIVE, but FUN! :P

    Amek neh dodol..! hwahwahwa..
