Thursday, August 27, 2009
The trough period..(my week in review)
Oh, the trough period. When will the boom period ever come...? ^^
I think this week has been one of those weeks which i fear most.
THREE exams and a maths assignment to hand in by the end of the week.
All three exams involve calculations (o yea!) which
a) I'm not good at, and
b) I'm good at but will always find a way to be CARELESS. haiya.
As predicted-- i messed up physics (surprise, surprise). Plus my chemistry and maths are VERY so-so. Not to mention my last topic test for econs was the worst marks i've gotten for econs so far. (and i really worked hard for econs!)
I don't know what else i can do to improve my marks. It seems that whatever i do, and no matter how hard i try the marks just won't budge. ish.
But that's ok.
Tati said it doesn't matter what the results are,
what matters is you don't give up.
I can't believe someone who likes the JONAS brothers and miley cyrus and high school musical can be so full of straightforward wisdom.
Tati's right.
i believe you, taton.
It's beautiful how the littlest things people say to you can touch your heart the most.
If only miss jenny had the same motto.
I am AFRAID of that lady. seriously.
She gives me the heebie-jeebies~~~. (o.O) ooh.
Not her fault though.
To add icing to the cake (of crappiness), I found out last night that my beloved grandma has suffered from a stroke. She was found lying on the floor of the garage- unconscious; by her maid.
Doctors said there's bleeding in her brain.
Had to transfer her from hospital to hospital because they didn't have the equipments or specialists to treat her. What the duck. This was the same thing we had to go through two years ago when my other grandma was sick. (She died last year.) Shows the true state of our health facilities in Malaysia.
I can't take having two of my grandmas die in two years! Please let this grandma live God..
So what did i do?
Lied on the bed and cried. Then prayed.
Then went to shower and cried for another hour. Then prayed again.
Realised that we as mere humans are only able to pray and hope. And TRY (to some extent.)
But the final decision is up to God.
I feel so helpless.
So human.
I guess it would be unfair to say that my week SUCKS (with a big fat capital S) entirely.
Because there were moments that i loved living.
For example EALD class.
KBU idol was fun.
a) I got to be Paula Abdul :D
b) I got to give comments that are only said to make me look smart
c) I got to say the word 'crap' many many many many times
d) Sarah was a wonderful Simon and Leong was nice-guy Randy. XD
e) Franky as Ryan Seacrest was PRICELESS
f) Atiqah was the KBU idol and i honestly believed she's better at talking than any of us on the judges' table. Gaha.
f) Everybody had a good laugh and released their stress for a while
I like the last point the most.
AUSMAT's been corroding us slowly but surely everyday. We needed a laugh.
EALD saved me, at least. It gave me reason to go to class every week.
Going to EALD class never fails to give me that little spring in my steps and a small joy in my heart.
(seriously, it's the only subject i don't suck in.)
And, at the risk of being labelled a suck-up; i'd like to thank Mr Derrick for his infamous SARCASM and dry, evil humour. It never fails to amuse me. Haha. Bodek,bodek.
So yeah, eventhough this week was generally suck-acious (yep, it's a WORD. Wait, no it ain't) I'm counting my blessings and just trying to move on-- getting through this week as best i can. Just trying to keep on running until i'll finally finish this god-forsaken marathon called AUSMAT.
No matter what, i'm gonna get there. I'd crawl all the way if i have to. I'd drag myself with my own two fingers if the situation arises. I'll crawl with my tongue if i have to (beautiful image, i know). I'll never stop running until i'm done with this thing.
Bring it MOCK EXAMS!
Bring it!
Give it to me!
~The lesson is in the struggle, not in the victory.~
PS- all the best to my friends, classmates, and also those who i don't know but pretend to know. ^^ G'luck.
PPS- Please pray for my grandma..
Friday, August 21, 2009
Do It Anyways..
I want so badly to be able to do this right now..Damn you ausmat. Damn you.
~A wise advice from Mother Teresa~
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind,
people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight.
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis
it is between you and God;
it was never between you and them anyway.
I should remember this more often..
PS- speech? Certainly not my best . Essay? suffered from vertigo while doing it. (no seriously, apparently it runs in the family.)
Aiyo mama..
Do it anyways...