Sunday, June 28, 2009

To those who love - ( & yes, i admit the CHEESINESS embodied in this title.)

I don't know why, but it seems that love is in the air for a lot of my JPA peers. Ooh-la-la..


Like, seriously. The romancing mood is so thick in the air i could smell it from a mile away. Especially after the summer camp.. (*.*) Ehheemmm.. Maybe there was some forest pixie there who decided to cast a love spell on some of us..

Anyways, don't worry Mom, i'm not one of them. Hehe. But some of my friends are! And it's very funny to watch.. (and, ultimately, TEASE. *EVIL laugh*) And all this teasing led me to indulge in my hobby of observing, which lead me to my hobby of poem writing, which led me to my hobby of BLOGGING. Which led you readers to your hobby of not minding your own business and thus, reading this.

So here we are.

Anyways, here's a poem i wrote a long time ago.
I don't know why, but after reading it, I'm somehow reminded of the love-sick JPA scholars.
People are different when they're in love, aren't they?Ahh.. isn't love just Bee-ooo-tifuull.How it can make you so stupid, and at the same time make you so full of wisdom. (But mostly make you stupid.)
Haha. Tis the truth. (from a self-absorbed cynic's point of view.. :P)

~Some Love~

Some love come at first sight
So strong and pure and sure
Like a gust of wind on a cold winter’s night
So quick so sudden so sure

Some love come softly
Gentle and slow like falling snow
As quiet as a light melody
Tenderly, time will let love grow

Some love are never returned
Some love get lost along the way
Some love take time to learn
Some love never seem to stay

Some love cause heartbreaks
Some love mend heartaches
Some love are strong while others are weak
Some love make even the strongest men meek

Some love endear the test of time
Some love are just short-lived
Some love are used for selfish games
Some love bring tarnish to good names

Yes, some love make us powerless
Some love give us strength
Some love leave us breathless
And some love make us hopeless

Even if some love sting and injure
And some love are harmful
Even if some love don’t deliver
And most love is hurtful

Don’t forget to remember
~All love is beautiful

N. J. 2006

Not exactly my best poem. In fact, the rhyming scheme- i find very typical and nothing original. The anologies; so cliche, but what the hey?
I self-riteously think it somehow fits the vibes i'm getting lately. HehehehHEHEHehehehe.

So yeah, to my friends who are bitten by the love bug- good luck! May your love story continue as a happy one~~

From a happy observer.. (and sometimes, listener. ) ^.^

To Frankie: May you too find the true love you've been waiting for!! haha. (Juniors2!)

PS- My track record of updating blogs is ABYSMAL. I apologise-- You won't belive the number of drafts i have in my dashboard. It's just that, i never have time to finish them. Sheesh. Excuses2. Will try harder to update.